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"Just a thank you for the very helpful and prompt assistance and services. You provided me with noticeably superior service in my setup compared to a couple of other options I had looked at." - Comment from John
"I just wanted to let u know that your data feed/service is by far the best!!! Your unfiltered tick data is excellent for reading order flow and none of your competitors delivers this quality of data!" - Comment from Peter via Email
"Awesome response, as usual. It is a sincere and refreshing pleasure to do business with DTN, compared to your competition." - Comment from Ryan
"I will tell others who want to go into trading that DTN ProphetX is an invaluable tool, I don't think anyone can trade without it..." - Comment from Luther
"Excellent datafeed !!!" - Comment from Arely
"I ran your IQFeed DDE vs. my broker vs. a level II window for some slow-moving options. I would see the level II quote change, then your feed update instantaneously. My broker's DDE, however, would take as much as 30 seconds to update. I am not chasing milliseconds, but half a minute is unacceptable." - Comment from Rob
"Just a quick one to say I'm very impressed so far :) The documentation for developers is excellent and I've quickly managed to get an app written to do historical downloads. The system is very robust and pretty quick considering the extent of data that's available. The support guys have been very helpful too, in combination with the forums it's been plain sailing so far!" - Comment from Adam
"I'm very glad I switched to IQFeed. It's working perfectly with no lag, even during fast market conditions." - Comment from Andy via Email
"Version has been working well for me and I appreciate that it is now a much tighter client to work with. I feel I can go to press with my own application and rely on a stable platform" - Comment from David in IA.
"You have an excellent product !!!!!!" - Comment from Arely
"After all the anxiety I had with my previous data provider it is a relief not to have to worry about data speed and integrity." - Comment from Eamonn
"The people at Nirvana have very nice things to say about your company and I can see why! Price and service is a potent combination." - Comment from Ed
"I would just like to say that IQFeed version 4 is running very well and I am very happy with its performance. I would also like to extend a big thanks for the fast and efficient help that I always receive. My questions and concerns are always addressed promptly. Way to go!" - Comment from Josh in CO.
"I was on the phone with a friend who uses CQG and right after the Fed announcement, CQG was as much as 30 seconds behind DTN.IQ. Some quotes were off by as much as 15-18 cents. Your feed never missed a beat." - Comment from Roger
"It’s so nice to be working with real professionals!" - Comment from Len
"Boy, probably spent a thousand hours trying to get ******* API to work right. And now two hours to have something running with IQFeed. Hmmm, guess I was pretty stupid to fight rather than switch all this time. And have gotten more customer service from you guys already than total from them… in five years." - Comment from Jim
"You have an excellent feed. Very few spikes for Spot Forex." - Comment from Public Forum Post
"I am keeping IQFeed, much better reliabilty than *******. I may refer a few other people in the office to switch as well." - Comment from Don
"If you want customer service that answers the phone, your best bet is IQFeed. I cannot stop praising them or their technical support. They are always there for you, and they are quick. I have used ****** too but the best value is IQFeed." - Comment from Public Forum
"I have been using IQFeed now for a few years in MultiCharts and I have zero complaints. Very, very rare to have any data hiccups or anything at all go wrong." - Comment from Public Forum
"I am very pleased with the DTNIQ system for quotes and news." - Comment from Larry
"Everything is working amazing now. I'm already impressed with the true-tick feed of IQFeed and it's ability to support my 480 symbol layout." - Comment from Tyler via Email
"There is no doubt that IQFeed is the best data provider. I am very satisfied with your services. And IQFeed is the only one that I would recommend to my friends. Now, most of them are using your product in China." - Comment from Zhezhe
"I "bracket trade" all major news releases and I have not found one lag or glitch with DTN.IQ feed. I am very comfortable with their feed under all typical news conditions (Fed releases, employment numbers, etc)." - Comment from Public Forum
"I just wanted to say how happy I am with your service. I was able to download the API docs last week and I was able to replicate Interactive Brokers historical bar queries and realtime bar queries over the weekend. That was about one of the fastest integrations that I've ever done and it works perfectly!!!!" - Comment from Jason via Email
"I like you guys better than *******...much more stable and a whole lot fewer issues." - Comment from Philip
"DTN feed was the only feed that consistently matched Bloomberg feed for BID/ASK data verification work these past years......DTN feed is a must for my supply & demand based trading using Cumulative Delta" - Comment from Public Forum Post
"My broker in Davenport suggested I give you a try as he uses your service and says its the best." - Comment from Bill via RT Chat
"As a past ******* customer(and not a happy one), IQ Feed by DTN is a much better and cheaper product with great customer support. I have had no problems at all since switching over." - Comment from Public Forum
"Thank you so much - awesome feed, awesome service!" - Comment from Greg via Email
"Thanks for following up with me. You guys do a great job in tech support." - Comment from Phelps
"IQ feed is brilliant. The support is mind-bending. What service!" - Comment from Public Forum Post
"You are either overstaffed or people just don't have problems with your feed because customer support always answers the phone quickly." - Comment from Jay via Email
"Everything is working great with the API. I love it." - Comment from Calvin
"You are much better than lawyers or the phone company because you answer the phone when I call! I just love your customer service." - Comment from Isreal
"I've never had DTN go out on me since switching. ******* would go down a couple times every month when I was using them." - Comment from Bryce in AL.
"Very impressed with the quality of your feed - ******* is a real donkey in comparison." - Comment from A.C. via Email
"Previously I was using *******. IQFeed is WAY more economical, and for my charting needs is just as good, if not better." - Comment from Public Forum Post
"I just wanted to tell you what a fine job you have been doing. While *******, from what I hear, has been down and out, off and on, IQ feed has held like a champ this week." - Comment from Shirin
"The service is great, I see a noticeable improvement in my volume profiles over [broker]'s data feed" - Comment from Larry
"I've been using IQFeed 4 in a multi-threaded situation for the last week or two on 2600 symbols or so with 100 simultaneous daily charts, and I have had 100% responsiveness." - Comment from Scott
"I used to have *******, but they are way more money for the same thing. I have had no probs with data from DTN since switching over." - Comment from Public Forum Post
"This is an excellent value, the system is generous (allowing for 500 stocks) and stable (and really is tick-by-tick), and the support is fantastic." - Comment from Shirin via Email
"Thanks for the great product and support. During this week of high volume trading, my QuoteTracker + IQ Feed setup never missed a beat. Also, thanks for your swiftness in responding to data issues. I was on ******* for a few years before I made the switch over early this year, and wish I had done it a long time ago." - Comment from Ken
"I had always used ******* but for the past 2 weeks have been trying DTN IQFeed. Customer support has been extraordinary. They call just to make sure your problem hasn't recurred." - Comment from Public Forum
"I'm satisfied with IQFeed. It's the most reliable and fastest quote feed I have ever used. Although I'm a resident in China, it's still very fast!" - Comment from Xiaofei
"If someone needs the best quality data and backfill beyond what their broker provides at a rate that is the best in the industry, I highly recommend IQFeed." - Comment from Josh via Public Forum
"And by the way, have to say this. I love the IQFeed software. It's rock solid and it has a really nice API." - Comment from Thomas via RT Chat
"I've been using Neoticker RT with IQFeed for two months, and I'm very happy with both of the products (I've had IQFeed for two years with very few complaints). The service from both companies is exceptional." - Comment from Public Forum
"For anyone considering using DTN.IQ for a data feed, my experience with the quality of data and the tech support has been very positive." - Comment from Public Forum
"I noticed that ******* quotes locked up shortly after the interest rate announcement yesterday while yours stayed stable." - Comment from Ron in Utah
"If you are serious about your trading I would not rely on IB data for serious daytrading. Took me a while to justify the cost of IQ Feed and in the end, it's just a 2 point stop on ES. Better safe than sorry" - Comment from Public Forum
"I am a hedge fund manager here. It’s funny, I have a Bloomberg terminal and a Bridge feed, but I still like having my DTN feed!" - Comment from Feras
"I cannot believe what a difference it makes trading with ProphetX!" - Comment from Bruce in Los Angeles
"I started a trial a few weeks back before the market went wild. DTN.IQ didn’t miss anything and beat my other provider. I decided to stay with you because of the great service through all the volatility." - Comment from Mike
"Thank God for your Data Feed as the only Zippers I see are on my pants (LOL), and no more 200 pip spikes to mess up charts." - Comment from Spiro via Email
"I have to tell you though that using the IQFeed API is about the easiest and cleanest I have seen for some time." - Comment from Jim
"IQFeed version 4 is a real screamer compared to anything else I have seen." - Comment from Tom
"Can I get another account from you? I am tired of ******* going down so often" - Comment from George
"I am enjoying the feed very much - so superior to the broker provided feed I was previously using." - Comment from George
"I just wanted to let you know how fast and easy I found it to integrate IQFeed into our existing Java code using your JNI client. In my experience, such things almost never go so smoothly - great job!" - Comment from Nate
"Interactive Brokers tick data was inconsistent, so I have switched to using DTN exclusively. It is great to no longer have to worry about my datafeed all day long." - Comment from Philippe
"DTN has never given me problems. It is incredibly stable. In fact I've occasionally lost the data feed from Interactive Brokers, but still been able to trade because I'm getting good data from DTN." - Comment from Leighton
"Everything is working great ! Very impressive client. The news refreshes better and is more pertinent than the ******* feed I paid $ 100/month for. I Also like the charts a lot." - Comment from Leon
"With HUGE volume on AAPL and RIMM for 2 days, everyone in a trading room was whining about freezes, crashes and lag with *******, RealTick, TS and Cyber. InvestorRT with IQFeed was rock solid. I mean SOLID!" - Comment from Public IRC Chat
"Thanks for all of your help. Great customer service deserves to be recognized which one the reasons I've been a customer of DTN for over 10 years!" - Comment from Stuart
"Its working FABULOUSLY for me!! Holy cow...there has been so much I've been missing lately, and with this feed and Linnsoft software...I'm in the game now." - Comment from Chris R.
"I was with ******* for 4 years at $230 a month, this is a huge savings for me, GOD BLESS YOU PEOPLE," - Comment from T.S. via Email
"IQ feed works very well, does not have all of the normal interruptions I have grown used to on *******" - Comment from Mark
"I use IQ Feed, Great stuff as far as data analysis information, storage and retrieval is concerned." - Comment from Public Forum
"This beats the pants off CQG, I am definitely switching to the ProphetX 3.0!" - Comment from Stephen
"I am very happy I changed. I love the product, but more so I am thrilled with Tech Support. You are knowledgeable, polite, pleasant and professional." - Comment from Pat

Welcome Trade Futures 4 Less Customer to DTN IQFeed®!
You are about to find out how nice it is to work with a company like ours! It all starts with our Sales Reps who will make sure you are setup with the data you need at the best price possible. We know you expect "service after the sale" too! Our 800# Customer Support line is nearly always answered on the first ring, we respond to emails within 1 hour, and we offer real-time chat on our website.

You won't find a company more committed to ensuring your success as a trader!

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Call 800-475-4755 ext. 5072
Email dave.forss@dtn.com

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